Welcome to School of Foreign Studies, Nanjing University !


With a rich legacy, the Department of Japanese at Nanjing University was the earliest base for cultivating Japanese language professionals in Jiangsu Province. It also gained the titles of “Provincial-Level Advantageous Discipline” and “National-Level First-Rate Japanese Discipline Construction Site.” Japanese courses were offered as early as 1912, when the Foreign Literature Department of Jinling University was established. After the restoration of diplomatic relations between China and Japan in 1972, the preparation began for establishing the Japanese Department, and in January 1978, the department admitted its first undergraduate students. In 1994, it was granted the right to confer master’s degrees by the Ministry of Education of China. It was renamed the Department of Japanese Language and Literature in 2002, when Nanjing University celebrated its 100th anniversary. In 2011, a doctoral program in East Asian Language and Literature was established, and in 2012, a master’s degree program in Japanese translation was established.

Based on the first-class foreign language discipline platform of Nanjing University, the Department of Japanese strives to cultivate outstanding talents with strong professional abilities, all-round qualities, broad international vision, and a deep sense of social responsibility. The department currently has 11 faculty members with balanced professional backgrounds, all holding doctoral degrees from famous universities at home and abroad. Among them are two professors, three associate professors, two lecturers, three assistant researchers, and one Japanese expert. One member serves as  doctoral supervisor, and five as master’s supervisors. The department also regularly employs one to two foreign experts, cooperates with teaching teams from universities such as the University of Tokyo and Nara Women’s University in offering international courses and lecture series, and conducts Sino-Japanese joint investigations. It also boasts a rich range of international education resources, such as a dual master’s degree program in collaboration with Nara Women’s University.

The faculty of the Department of Japanese devote themselves to research and have achieved fruitful results in the fields of Japanese literature, Japanese linguistics, and Japanese culture. They have completed or are conducting various national-, ministerial- or provincial-level research projects in the humanities and social sciences. They have published more than 100 papers in domestic and foreign academic journals and have authored or compiled more than 100 academic translations, textbooks, and reference books. Among these, the “Japanese Society and Culture” series and the “Reading Japan” book series, mainly undertaken by the faculty from the Department of Japanese and published by Nanjing University Press, have attracted widespread attention in the field of Japanese studies at home and abroad.

Students of the Department of Japanese have excellent academic performance, solid professional foundations, and strong all-round qualities. They have won many awards in various national competitions. The employment rate of graduates of the department has been high for many years, with most graduates finding jobs in large domestic and foreign-funded enterprises and government-affiliated institutions. The main destinations for further studies are either this department or high-level universities such as Peking University, Fudan University, the University of Tokyo, Kyoto University, and Stanford University. Graduates are widely welcomed by employers due to their outstanding performance in various fields.

The Department of Japanese admits about five academic master’s students in the Japanese linguistics program and about ten MTI (Master of Translation and Interpretation) students in the Japanese translation program each year. During their studies, graduate students can apply for funded exchange programs to famous universities in Japan as well as a dual master’s degree program. The department also offers a doctoral program in contemporary Japanese literature research and Japanese literary criticism.


Contact Us

Tel: 025-89682353

E-mail: japnju@163.com

Postal Address:

Department of Japanese

School of Foreign Studies

Nanjing University

163 Xianlin Avenue

Nanjing, 210023



南京大学日本語学科の歴史は古く、江蘇省で最初の日本語専門人材育成機関であり、江蘇省優勢学科専攻に認定され、国家一流日本語学科拠点である。早くも 1912 年に金陵大学外国文学部が設立されて以来、専門的な日本語教育を開始していたが、1972 年の中日国交正常化によって、日本語学科設立の準備が開始された。1978年1月に初めての学部生募集を行った。 1994年には修士号授与資格が付与された。2002年に南京大学開校100周年を機に現在の名称に改称した。2011年には、東アジア言語文学博士課程を設けた。 2012年には、日本語翻訳修士課程を設けた。



