



南京大学人文社会科学资深教授、博士生导师,当代外国文学与文化研究中心主任、江苏省外国文学学会名誉会长,曾任教育部高等学校外语专业教学指导委员会英语组副组长(2002-2006)、大学外语教学指导委员会主任委员(2006-2017)、国家基础教育课程教材专家工作委员会委员(2010-2017)、全国美国文学研究会副会长(2000-2012)、中国英语教学研究会副会长(2001-2012)、中国外国文学学会副会长(2007-2021)、英语文学研究分会会长(2011-2015)、江苏省外国文学学会会长(2000-2019)。早年赴英国伦敦大学留学,获英国文学硕士和博士学位。1988年学成回国后,在南京大学任教,长期从事英语语言文学的教学和研究工作,主持並完成包括国家社科基金重大项目在内的多项国家级和省部级科研项目,担任《中国大百科全书》第三版外国文学卷美国文学分支主编。外国文学研究取得一系列高水平成果:潜心英国经典文学研究,英文学术专著《19世纪英国诗剧研究》(Theatre of the Mind)1990年由英国麦克米兰(Macmillan)出版公司出版;关注当代外国文学,出版四卷本《战后世界进程与外国文学进程研究》(江苏省哲学社会科学优秀成果奖一等奖)以及国内第一部研究美国当代作家、诺贝尔文学奖得主莫里森的专著《性别·种族·文化》;外国文学史成果丰硕,涵盖国别文学通史《新编美国文学史》第四卷(中国高校人文社会科学研究优秀成果二等奖)、断代文学史《20世纪英国文学史》、文类史《英国文学批评史》(江苏省哲学社会科学优秀成果奖一等奖);当代现实主义研究立足中国,走向世界,在国内外重要学术期刊主持研究专栏,出版文集《表征与重构:跨越边界的现实主义文学》。立德树人桃李芬芳:主持的“高素质外语人才跨文化能力培养体系创新与实践”获国家级教学成果一等奖(2018),另有两项教改课题获国家级教学成果二等奖(1997,2005);主讲的“英国小说”被教育部认定为国家级线上一流本科课程;编写国家级规划教材多部,其中有三种获全国优秀教材二等奖,主编的义务教育初中《英语》和普通高中《英语》国家课程教材在江苏全省及全国其他省市部分中学使用,学生使用人数累计达数千万。获首届国家级教学名师奖、宝钢教育基金优秀教师特等奖、南京大学教学终身成就奖、第三届杰出教学奖,是“南京申办2014年青奥会有功个人”、“江苏省先进工作者”、“全国教材建设先进个人”荣誉称号获得者。



Theatre of the Mind,麦克米兰(Macmillan)出版公司,1990年(英国)









"Robert Browning's Problems with Unacted Drama",Studies in Browning and His Circle, 1988年第16卷

"Thoreau and Confucianism",《外国语》1988年第2期


















"China's Peaceful Rise: A Cultural Alternative," boundary 2, 2006年第2期

《回忆 理解 想象 知识——论美国后现代现实主义小说》,《外国文学评论》,2007年第1期













《高校外语专业学生跨文化能力的培养》,《西北工业大学学报(社会科学版)》, 2019年第4期





"Introduction: Realism in the Post-Truth Era", Orbis Litterarum, 2021年第4期
“Mythology, history, and reality: Mythorealism in Yan Lianke’s The Explosion Chronicles,” Orbis Litterarum, 2021年第4期 (2/2)











"Book Review: Landscapes of Realism: Rethinking Literary Realism in Comparative Perspectives. Volume II: Pathways Through Realism," Orbis Litterarum  (2024).

服务“讲好中国故事”国家需求 培养新时代一流外语人才,《外语导刊》2024年第1期



























Critical Zone: A Forum of Chinese and Western Knowledge. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2004-2006(副主编)








《英华吐蕊 百年传承——南京大学英语学科论文集萃》上下卷,南京大学出版社,2017年





Professor Wang Shouren

Wang Shouren
University Distinguished Professor
English Department, School of Foreign Studies
Joined Nanjing University: 1st September 1988

Wang Shouren is Professor of English at School of Foreign Studies, Nanjing University. He served as Chairman of the National Foreign Languages Teaching Advisory Board under the Ministry of Education (2006-2017), Vice Chairman of China Foreign Literature Association (2007-2021), Vice Chairman of China Association for the Study of American Literature (2000-2012), Vice Chairman of China English Language Education Association (2002-2012), and Chairman of China Association for the Study of Literature in English (2011-2015).

Professor Wang Shouren's research covers British literature, contemporary American fiction, literary history, and English education in China. He writes in both English and Chinese. His English book 
The Theatre of the Mind was jointly published by Macmillan and St. Martins in 1990. His Chinese books on foreign literature studies include Gender, Race and Class (1999), A Literary History of the United States Since 1945 (2002), A History of British Literary Criticism (2012), and 4-vloume Post-WWII World History and the Development of Foreign Literature (2019). He is editor-in-chief of many textbooks which are widely used in universities and middle schools across the country. He translated The Return of the Native by Thomas Hardy into Chinese. He worked in collaboration with Dr. Q. S. Tong from the University of Hong Kong on Critical Zone: A Forum of Chinese and Western Knowledge, a book series in English aiming to improve understanding across cultures, traditions, discourses and disciplines. His article on the Chinese culture appears in boundary 2, an international journal of literature and culture. In 2018 he successfully organized an international conference on realism, and edited the conference proceedings Representation and Reproduction: Literary Realisms Across the Boundaries (2019). In 2021 he edited the Special Issue on "Realism in the Post-Truth Era" for Orbis Litterarum.

Professor Wang Shouren is a recipient of many grants, awards and fellowships, including National Award for Distinguished Teacher, Harvard-Yenching Fellowship and Fulbright Research Visiting Scholar grant.


King's College London, University of London

          PhD, British Literature | 1988

King's College London, University of London

          MA, British Literature | 1985

Nanjing University

          BA, English | 1983


Selected Publications


Theatre of the Mind. London: Macmillan. 1990.

Gender, Race and Class: A Study of Toni Morrison's Novels. Beijing: Peking University Press, 1999.

Literary History of the United States Volume 4 (1945-2000). Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2002; 2019.

A History of British Literary Criticism. Nanjing: Nanjing University Press, 2012.

Post-WWII World History and the Development of Foreign Literature (4 vols). Nanjing: Yilin Press, 2019.

Representation and Reproduction: Literary Realisms Across the Boundaries. Nanjing: Nanjing University Press, 2019.

A History of British and American Literary Criticism. Nanjing: Nanjing University Press, 2021.


"Robert Browning's Problems with Unacted Drama," Studies in Browning and His Circle 16 (1988). 

"Thoreau and Confucianism," Journal of Foreign Languages 2 (1988).

“Literary Tradition Revisioned in Totality,” Foreign Literature Review 2 (1991).

"A Translator, A Creator," Chinese Translators Journal 3 (1992).

"Shelley's Thoughts on 'Necessity': On Prometheus Ubound," Foreign Literature Studies 4 (1992). 

"Out of the Shadow of the Past: A Reading of Toni Morrison's The Beloved," Foreign Literature Review 1 (1994).

"Automobiles and American Fiction in the 1950s," Contemporary Foreign Literature 3 (1996).

"Realism in the 20th Century," Foreign Literature Review 4 (1998).

"Views and Thoughts on Comprehensive Methods of Strengthening China's English Education," Foreign Language Education 2 (2002).

"A Reading of V. S. Naipaul's 'Travel of Writing'," Journal of Nanjing University 4 (2003).

"Foreign Literature and Rebuilding of Modern Values in China," Foreign Literature Review 4 (2004).

"Unity of History and Imagination in Alejandro Morales's Fiction," Contemporary Foreign Literature 2 (2006).

"China's Peaceful Rise: A Cultural Alternative," boundary 2 33, no. 2 (Summer 2006).

"On American Postmodern Realist Fiction," Foreign Literature Review 1 (2007).

"On William Shakespeare as the UK's Most Representative Cultural Icon and the Choice of China's Cultural Icon," Foreign Language Research 3 (2014).

"Individualized English Language Teaching (ELT) in the Context of Contemporary China: Notions and Practices," Foreign Languages and Their Teaching 4 (2015).

"Perseverance in Paradox: Contemporary Developments and Theories of Realist Literature," Foreign Literature Studies 3 (2016). (2/2)

"On Cultivating Foreign Language Students' Research Capabilities." Foreign Languages in China 3 (2020).

“English Lanugage Teaching in China.” International Journal of TESOL Studies 4 (2020).

"'The Realist Turn' and Other Related Issues," New Perspectives on World Literature 6 (2020).

"Introduction: Realism in the Post-Truth Era," Orbis Litterarum 4 (2021).

“Mythology, History, and Reality: Mythorealism in Yan Lianke’s The Explosion Chronicles,” Orbis Litterarum 4 (2021). (2/2)

“On the New Developments of Literary Realism Studies,” Zhejiang Social Sciences 10 (2021).

“New Liberal Arts and Foreign Language Education in China's Universities,” Foreign Language Education in China 4 (2021). (2/2)

“On the Development of China's Tertiary Foreign Language Education in the New Era," Technology Enhanced Foreign Language Education 4 (2022).

"Realism and Truth," Studies in Linguistics and Literature, Nanjing University Press, 2022. (2/2)

"On the Aesthetic Dimension of Realism: A Discussion Beginning with Lukács' 'Narration or Description,'" Studies in Linguistics and Literature, Nanjing University Press, 2022. (2/2)

"The Cognitive Dimension of Realism,” Soochow Academic 5 (2002).

"On Constructing the Basic Theory of Literary Realism," Journal of SJTU (Philosophy and Social Sciences 1 (2023). (2/2)

"Principles for Revising the Word List in the English Curriculum Standards for Compulsory Education and Suggestions for Vocabulary Teaching," Foreign Language Education in China 2 (2023). (2/2)

"Competence-Oriented English Language Teaching in China's Basic Education," Foreign Language Learning Theory and Practice 6 (2023). (2/2)

"Book Review: Landscapes of Realism: Rethinking Literary Realism in Comparative Perspectives. Volume II: Pathways Through Realism," Orbis Litterarum (2024).

"Serving the National Demand of 'Telling China's Stories Well' and Cultivating Foreign Language Talents in the New Era," Foreign Languages Bimothly 1 (2024).

"Realism and Ethics," Journal of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies 5 (2024). (2/2)